Witness economic improvements due to a foreign aid program in Ethiopia


NARRATOR: Often thought of as a starving, third-world country, Ethiopia does indeed have another side to it. In the capital city, Addis Ababa, there has been a small, year-on-year economic expansion. This development has, by and large, taken place in small service-based companies. At present, there is no large-scale industry structure which can truly offer long-term, sustainable growth. The Ethiopian government wants to see steady improvement and change that will positively affect the lives of every ethnic group living in its society.

Ethiopia's Minister of Education is Wondwossen Kiflu. He, along with GTZ, the German Society for Technical Cooperation, is leading the development program in Ethiopia. Building wells won't be enough to achieve the desired level of industrialization. So engineers and scientists are using development aid to fit the country's needs, contouring it so that the weather and harvest season play a decreasing role in Ethiopia's long-term development.

WONDWOSSEN KIFLU: "We chose Germany as a possible candidate but before that we went to Asian countries also to see, you know, what we can get from them also. We have been in China and other countries. But, finally, the policy makers there also, they told us, instead of going through us to Germany, why don't you go directly to Germany because we are copying it from there also. So we said we'd take the shorter route directly to Germany."

NARRATOR: Ethiopia's landscape is made up largely of imposing highlands, where over 80 percent of the population live. Here in Kemete, the women are shredding Ensete, the area's main staple diet. The women therefore put their entire strength into scraping all of the nutrients from the leaves. The large families who live here have to feed themselves from a very small plot of cultivable land. It follows, that the number one priority of the development workers is to help get maximum yield out of the harvest. And they've provided a new kind of leaf processor. With the help of a clamp, the farmers no longer have to use their feet to hold the leaves taut. The major advantage is that the starchy pulp gathers on a small board, remaining free of impurities. This, in turn, results in a surplus of Ensete that can be sold to manufacturers, bringing money back into the village.

The second step of the development aid group is to establish an independent pharmaceutical industry in Ethiopia. The lack of foreign exchange has meant a shortage of medical supplies and Ethiopia can't afford expensive medicines. Generic medicines containing the same active ingredients are already available on the market and are the country's last ray of hope.

AIDS is widespread and of particular concern in Ethiopia's cities. In addition, malnutrition and poor hygiene are a major cause of illness, bringing on diarrhea and tuberculosis. Here, life-saving pharmaceuticals are being produced for HIV sufferers and the undernourished.

It's hoped that the pharmaceutical industry will be able to sustain the needs of Ethiopia in the near future, as well as provide medical aid to neighboring African countries. The introduction of this sustainable industry is geared to helping end poverty in Ethiopia for good.