Helen Keller: career, accomplishments, and books


Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama.
As a child, she contracted an illness that left her permanently blind and deaf. She had no cognitive impairments from the illness and was already learning to communicate using hand signals, but Keller’s parents doubted her capacity for a typical education.
When Helen was six, she was matched with Anne Sullivan, a teacher of the blind who helped her better communicate by interpreting hand signals pressed into her palm. Keller learned to read and write Braille, to lip-read by touching people’s mouths during their speech, to use a typewriter, and to even speak verbally.
She was well-known in the United States by age sixteen—and by the time she became the first deaf-blind person to graduate college years later, she was internationally famous.
Still, members of the public doubted that a deaf-blind person could really be so accomplished, and some news outlets sought to discredit her as a thinker because they were uncomfortable with her socialist politics.
By publishing books about her life, lecturing around the world, fundraising for the education of the disabled, and even piloting an airplane,
Helen Keller helped eliminate some of the social stigma surrounding disability.
With Keller in the picture, public ignorance regarding the deaf-blind could no longer be left unacknowledged.