How did Sparta become a Grecian superpower?


Sparta was the ancient capital of the Laconia district of the Peloponnese, a peninsula in southwestern Greece. From the 6th to the 2nd century BCE, Sparta was ruled by a military oligarchy, lending the city-state its brutal reputation.

During times of war, Sparta was ruled by lifetime corulers: two kings who managed Sparta’s military strategy and movements. During peacetime it was ruled by a 30-member Senate. Though Sparta was geographically a contender for membership in a unified Greece, it preferred its status as a conquering force and was unwilling to capitulate to outside influences.

When Sparta conquered the district of Messenia, it forced the inhabitants into servitude as serfs. When Sparta destroyed the Athenian navy at Aegospotami, the city-state officially proved itself as the greatest military force in all of Greece. Eventually, though, Sparta’s eagerness to do battle would prove to be its downfall.

Its continued agitation against Rome led to the Roman capture of Sparta in the 2nd century BCE and in 396 CE Sparta was pillaged and destroyed by the Visigoths. Though the area would be resettled, the once great city-state was no more.