Learn about Julius Rosenwald's inspiration and the opening of Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry with the Coal Mine exhibit


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NARRATOR: Julius Rosenwald, president of Sears and Roebuck Company.

MARJORIE SCHWARZER: He goes to Germany, and he visits a museum called the Deutsches Museum, and he sees for the first time scientific exhibitions where you can touch things and you can push buttons and you can pull levers. And he says, "I wanna build one of those for Chicago." And he comes back, and he founds the Museum of Science and Industry. And this is an ode to technological progress.

NARRATOR: The museum opened in 1933 with the famous Coal Mine exhibit. Coal was fueling the Industrial Revolution then. Even today coal is the single largest source of electricity worldwide.

MUSEUM GUIDE: Just imagine having to work in here eight hours a day, five days a week. What do you think...?

KATHLEEN MCCARTHY: It was based, in part, on an actual coal mine, with a bit of theater added to it, so you really felt like you were traveling a mile down in the earth.

MUSEUM GUIDE: First, the coal has to be blasted, and then it's put into these shuttle cars.

KATHLEEN MCCARTHY: They manufactured a special perfume that smelled just like a coal mine.

MUSEUM GUIDE: Now what we're going to do next is walk this geological crosscut on...

KATHLEEN MCCARTHY: Everybody has a role to play in science and industry. And that was actually Julius [music out] Rosenwald's goal, was to interpret science and industry within its social context. It always impacts people's life. And that's the story we want to really explore here at the museum.