Hear a discussion about citizenship and online rights


SPEAKER 1: It's important that people understand that we have to be a treated online, and have the same rights, as citizens-- not consumers. If I'm using social media, I'm a citizen. A big chunk of my person is there. And that big chunk of personal information needs to be treated within the legal framework of a citizen.

And since we now live in a world-- and that's how we can get now into [INAUDIBLE]-- we live in a world where information doesn't have any borders. And if I'm a citizen on social media, and it's hosted in different countries, then where is my residency? And so, if we don't have international framework on what our rights are, and understanding that even if I host my material on a server in the United States because that social media company has hosted there, I should have the same rights as US citizens with the protection of the First Amendment and the Fourth-- if the government is going after my information.

And this, I think, needs to be brought into the debate. And I think that we need to tackle this both in the EU. We need to tackle this on very many different international platforms.

SPEAKER 2: To most people, they go happily and place their status on Facebook every morning, completely ignorant of where that information goes and what it can do to you. And I think a part of the [INAUDIBLE] discussion is to raise awareness about these issues. Hopefully, people will realize that everything they put on the internet stays there forever mostly, and that what you do as a teenager and is fine in the context that you're in, may look different when you're twenty-five and you're applying for a job. It may be a useful tool if it was organized differently. I think the fact that it's a centralized database, and you sign away all your rights when you establish an account makes it dangerous.

SPEAKER 1: So we have a lot of work ahead of us as citizens online. We have to apply more pressure, in particularly on governments. We have not tackled it, those that create the laws have not upgraded our legislation according to the reality we live in.

I want to just encourage all the social media to think about how incredibly important it is for all of us to feel that our information is safe with them. We're going to have to move our residency. We're just going to have to carry on being these sort of internet refugees-- info refugees-- and find the safe place. And in the end, that might be Iceland or some other country. So who wants to be first?