Explore an exhibition showcasing the history of China during the Qing dynasty through some rare photographs


LILING TAN: What was China like during the late Qing dynasty? What did people wear? How did they live? These thirty photographs are windows on a lost world, including this thirteen-part panorama of the Shanghai bond.

STEPHAN LOEWENTHEIL: It is the only surviving example of this view-- what the great city of Shanghai looked like at the moment when it was beginning to become an international trading point. And now its completely unrecognizable.

TAN: For decades, Stephan Loewentheil has been collecting these photographs captured through the lenses of Chinese and Western photographers. They're being shown together for the first time at this New York exhibition titled Masterpieces of early Chinese Photography, one of the highlights of Asia Art Week.

The early days of paper photography date back to the 1850s, and it wasn't until about a decade later when it became commercialized throughout the world, including in Asia. So these photographs really provide us a very rare glimpse into what China was like some 150 years ago.

LOEWENTHEIL: Due to anomalies in history, many of these photographs were destroyed and not too many survived. Those that survived tend to have left China, with visitors to China in the 19th century. And those were then dispersed, so that collections of these photographs were not accumulated as either art or history. And it isn't till recent years that people have realized the significance of documenting the glory, the beauty, and the culture of China at a very formative period.

TAN: Loewentheil says the photographs have artistic as well as historical value.

LOEWENTHEIL: You see fabulous detail in the summer house of longevity in Canton. And all of this, including the two people in the foreground, it makes this an incredibly important photograph from an artistic sense.

TAN: So not only do these photographs capture a moment in Chinese history, it also marks China's place in the history of photography. Liling Tan, CGTN.