Discover how abolitionist Frederick Douglass learned to read and write


NOELLE TRENT: Well, I think the first thing people should know about Frederick Douglass is that he was quite ingenious, even as a small child. So his first few lessons in reading and writing were actually from his mistress, Miss Auld, when he was living in Baltimore. She was teaching her young son, who was about Douglass' age, how to read and write, and so she was teaching Douglass at the same time.

And as the story goes, her husband discovered the lessons and said, oh, absolutely not, this cannot happen. And that's where Douglass' formal schooling ended. Now this is where Douglass' ingenuity comes in. Very quickly after that, he starts doing things like, for instance, while he's playing with the young boys in the streets and back alleys of Baltimore, he makes games out of saying, I can write this letter, and they're like, oh no, Douglass, oh no, Freddie, you can't do that. And so he'd write a letter, and he'd say, oh, that's a C. Now, it might have been a D, but they'd say, no you, dummy, that's a D. You know what I mean?

The other thing is that knowing-- know that in the 19th century, people-- there were still different class differences, and so Douglass was keenly aware that there were some poor white children that he was playing with. So sometimes, he's exchanging lessons with them for food. So he's using all these different mechanisms, in addition to copying young Thomas Auld's school books-- either finishing up the school books that have been discarded, and copying the handwriting, or using the ash in the fireplace. He's finding different ways to learn to read and write.