Experience the scenic beauty and learn about the underlying history of the Carnic high alpine trail along the Austrian-Italian border


NARRATOR: Many tracks lead from Austria to Italy, but not many are as interesting for hikers as the Carnic high alpine trail. One of the bloodiest chapters of World War I was written here, with Austrians and Italians standing their ground no more than hand-grenade-throwing distance apart. In 1918, Austria lost its territory in what is northern Italy today. The former military positions were dug deep inside the mountains, and soon they were being used by smugglers who had hidden rucksacks and ropes here. These caves make our hiking tour along the Carnic high alpine trail so unique.

We set out at sunrise. Proceeding along once-secret tracks, we follow in the footsteps of the smugglers from Carinthia to Italy. This was a dangerous undertaking in earlier times, with a heavily guarded border. For today's hiking tourists, this route bears an irresistible charm and offers fabulous views and stories that the mountain guide is quite happy to tell. There's the one about a man called Sepp, who allegedly carried three live, fully grown sheep over the mountains in his rucksack one time, or about Lois, who was so closely pursued by customs officers that he could hear them breathing, but he still managed to get away. Smuggling was often a matter of sheer survival for the smugglers themselves and for those who got something to eat in exchange for their efforts. In today's united Europe, crossing the green line is not at all dangerous. Much like something out of a romantic film, sign-posted hiking trails line this alpine backdrop.

MOUNTAIN GUIDE: "Yes, that's the way to Italy."

NARRATOR: The historic trails leading through the Carnic Alps - a beautiful hiking tour from Austria to Italy.