Uncover the commonly misunderstood treatments about cold and flu and other health misconceptions


NARRATOR: Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. A clear sign that cold and flu season has arrived. Luckily there are a great many helpful hints to help you build up your resistance and stop coughing, congestion and soar throats before they start. But take heed, some of those well-meaning tips we so often hear are far from accurate. For instance, a good dose of Vitamin C can allegedly cure a cold. After all, Vitamin C is truly capable of working wonders in the human body. It helps to both free our bodies of toxins and increase iron intake and absorption. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system. It's thus important to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables as they are a good source of Vitamin C. However, if you've already caught a cold, no amount of Vitamin C can help you get rid of it.

HEIDI DESOMBRE: "Vitamin C helps build up our resistance to catching colds. It does not fight any of the symptoms like a blocked nose, soar throat, headaches and fever. But not to worry, there are wonderful products out there."

NARRATOR: So while Vitamin C can't cut a cold down to size, it can keep us from getting one. It is thus a strictly preventative means of fighting off coughing, congestion and other such symptoms. Another problem in winter is dry skin. We attempt to moisturize the drier areas by generously applying creams and ointment, often several times a day. Unfortunately, doing so brings about the exact opposite effect.

DR. SAID HILTON: "If moisturizer is applied too often by patients with an average sebum production, the body may come to rely on them and thus produce an insufficient amount of natural oils. It makes more sense to use moisturizer sparingly."

NARRATOR: In other words, skin that is accustomed to being moisturized by creams and ointments is prone to drying out more quickly. Dermatologists therefore recommend that we only use moisturizer once a day - preferably right after showering. This provides us with an ample amount of moisture, even in winter. Another common misconception is that we should drink two to three liters of liquid a day to stay healthy. After all, we can't think to our full abilities if we are dehydrated. But how much is, in fact, enough?

GERTA VON OOST: "The recommended daily allowance of liquids is between two to three liters. This amount consists of one-and-a-half liters of beverages, specifically water, and a liter absorbed from foods such as fruits and vegetables. In short, drinking around one-and-a-half liters a day is sufficient."

NARRATOR: Still, cold and flu sufferers should drink significantly more than that, as they lose more liquid through perspiration than healthy individuals. So keep our three short truths in mind and staying healthy will be even easier. In addition, always remember to wrap up warm and get plenty of exercise. We hope you'll see this winter through without falling ill.