Discover the location and role of skeletal muscles in the human body


NARRATOR: The human body has more than 600 different muscles. Most of them are called skeletal muscles because they are attached to the skeleton. The skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by whitish fibers called tendons.

Some muscles are very long. The sartorius muscle, for instance, measures 50 centimeters between the hip bone and the tibia. Some muscles, on the other hand, are very short. The muscles of the head, which move the different parts of the face, are short muscles. The masseters and the temporal muscles move the lower jar. However, most of the muscles in the head do not move bones but move the skin of the face. Orbicularis muscles move the eyelids. The zygomatic muscles lift the corners of the lips, while the triangular muscles pull them down. By using the muscles in the head, human beings can express a wide variety of emotions, such as surprise and anger.

In total, the skeletal muscles make up almost half of our body mass. When we move, we command our skeletal muscles to contract. These voluntary movements usually entail the coordinated action of a number of muscles. For example, two main skeletal muscles are responsible for moving the forearm, the biceps, inserted into the front of the elbow joint, and the triceps, inserted into the back of the joint. When the biceps contracts, it bends the forearm. The triceps is inactive. To return to the initial position, the triceps contracts, while the biceps automatically relaxes. Some movements require the use of a larger number of muscles. For example, stretching the leg mobilizes no fewer than four different muscles.