Understand the spatial relationships between the Sun, the Moon, and Earth during eclipses


NARRATOR: Earth orbits the Sun while the Moon in turn orbits Earth. An eclipse occurs when all three bodies align.

While the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, it is also 400 times further away. This difference in perspective causes the two bodies to appear the same size. During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun from viewers on Earth.

Whether viewers see a total or partial eclipse depends on where they are in relation to the Moon’s shadow.

The Moon casts two distinct regions of shadow on Earth during an eclipse: the inner core of dense shadow, called the umbra, and the surrounding region of partial shadow, called the penumbra.

When a viewer observes a solar eclipse from the penumbra, only a part of the Sun’s surface is obscured. This is a partial eclipse of the Sun.

For a viewer in the area covered by the umbra, the Sun is completely blocked out by the Moon. This is a total eclipse.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon orbits through Earth’s shadow, preventing sunlight from illuminating it. It takes two hours for the Moon to pass through the shadow area, during which time it travels a distance of 5,000 miles.