Learn how Gorgonzola cheese is made


The Italian town of Gorgonzola still prides itself on being the birthplace of Gorgonzola cheese. Yet this small settlement was never the main trading center for or producer of this Italian blue cheese. Gorgonzola is a very old cheese, yet like many other foodstuffs with long traditions it has no official deed of origin. But there are many tales surrounding the origins of this cheese. One anecdote is that people originally called it tired green because the first person to make it was so tired they treated the milk incorrectly and ended up with this green-veined cheese by chance.

But making Gorgonzola is by no means easy. Pasteurized cow milk is heated until it curdles. The blue mold is added at this stage of production. The mixture is then poured into shaping moulds. After this the wheels of cheese are stored in a cool place. Gorgonzola dolce is aged for a month, Gorgonzola piccante for two.

Gorgonzola is now a protected cheese sort. Genuine Gorgonzola has a G printed on the aluminium foil packaging. This guarantees it was made in the traditional manner. It is a soft and creamy cheese. Gorgonzola dolce is a relatively mild cheese, while the more mature Gorgonzola piccante has a stronger flavor. In any case, both these Gorgonzola varieties play an essential part in Italian cuisine.