Get an insight into the Museum of Modern Art


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NARRATOR: Knit into the urban fabric of Midtown Manhattan, the Museum of Modern Art, affectionately known worldwide as MoMA, is a 21st-century think tank for art. At MoMA the two big questions are: "What makes it modern?" and "What makes it art?"

GLENN LOWRY: There's something here that captures the imagination, that gets you thinking, that makes you hungry to learn more about not just modern art but art in general.

JOHN ELDERFIELD: I'm constantly confused by works that come in front of me. At times you look and you say, "I've no idea what this is."

ANN TEMKIN: There are so many artists making an art today, making new art, trying things that haven't been tried before.

DAVID ROCKEFELLER: I think a large number of visitors probably are shocked, but you can have many works of art venture into new areas and give people a totally different concept of art.

JIM CODDINGTON: People who are coming to visit MoMA, I—I hope they will do one thing, and that's enjoy themselves.

DEBORAH WYE: Of course, as the print curator, I'd love them to rush right to the print gallery, but I think meandering around the museum is really the most rewarding way to do it.

GLENN LOWRY: It's an extraordinary opportunity to recognize that art is not something that ended a hundred years ago but that is vital and alive today.

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