Explore the Boston Children's Museum, a pioneer in hands-on, object-based exhibit experiences for children


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NARRATOR: Like most museums, the Boston Children's Museum contains priceless objects of scientific, historical, and artistic significance. But there's a twist.

LOU CASAGRANDE: Kids have their way of learning, which is to engage the world—to experience the world. You just watch them out in nature and playgrounds at home: they are exploring, they're tinkering. Playing is learning. It's the way children learn.

LARRY COEN: Play is becoming a more precious commodity in children's lives. So in some ways we are preserving play, providing opportunities for everyone to get back to just the roots of play—meaning that it is social, it is open-ended, it involves materials, it involves changing the space or changing yourself.

LINDSEY RICHARDSON: You can combine fun with learning, with creativity and making art and participating in a play, and we want all of those things to be empowering to our visitors.

NARRATOR: The Boston Children's Museum, founded in 1913, revolutionized the museum world in the '60s when it pioneered hands-on, object-based exhibit experiences for children. Today there are nearly 300 children's museums across America.

JERI ROBINSON: I just can't imagine any child ever coming here and not leaving excited about something—just getting excited about the world around them.

LOU CASAGRANDE: Enjoyment is really the key to deep learning, and—and that's just another way to say play is learning.

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