Discover how mining, agriculture, fishing, and tourism industry helps in the economic development of Namibia


Namibia is one of the wealthiest nations in Africa. Since the country gained independence in 1990, political stability has paved the way for a thriving economy. In addition, Namibia's climate, natural resources and the strategic advantages of its geography are the perfect prerequisites for prosperity. The gears of the country's economy are turned by mining, agriculture, fishing and tourism.

Mining represents approximately one third of the gross national product as Namibia contains large deposits of treasures like gold, uranium, silver, zinc, copper, lead, tin, marble and granite. Of all the raw materials found here, diamonds are the crown jewel. The gems mined within Namibia's borders are the most precious and expensive on earth. Namdeb Diamond Corporation is 50 percent government owned and processes more than one million carats annually. Namdeb is Namibia's most significant non-government-sector employer, with sales and revenue accounting for 10 percent of the gross domestic product.

Nearly half of all available jobs are in farming. Still, agricultural work is often poorly paid. In 1990, Namibia created an economic zone, reaching 200 nautical miles from the baseline of its sea, so that domestic companies would have an exclusive fishing area. Today, the majority of the nation's catch is exported and fishing has become one of the economy's most significant industries, providing 15,000 people with jobs.

Independence also paved the way for tourism. Every year, nearly one million visitors travel to Namibia to marvel at its wondrous beauty and live the good life. These days, sand skiing is all the rage. Enthusiasts carve down the 114 meter-high Matterhorn, as the natives fondly refer to their desert's tallest dune.

Yet despite being the third wealthiest nation in Africa, Namibia's riches are by no means evenly distributed. The average income is $120 per capita, and 40 percent of the work force is unemployed. Beyond this, one in five Namibians is HIV positive. Clearly, a great deal of work still needs to be done if the entire population is to feel the benefits of the booming economy.