Learn how technology helps Tokyo's railway system in ensuring better customer satisfaction and safety


Here at the rail control center in Tokyo there is a special unit that focuses purely on ensuring that all the trains leave the second they are supposed to. Any delay would disrupt the carefully drawn up timetables, resulting in overcrowded platforms and panicking passengers - in short, chaos. To avoid such horror scenarios, the Railway Technical Research Institute is working on a new timetable system that can directly target delays or cancellations. Using a specially developed algorithm, the new system will select the best option from thousands of possible ways to restructure the entire timetable.

The most important parameter in the calculation is the degree of passenger dissatisfaction - the Japanese are famous for their low tolerance threshold when it comes to delayed trains. To cope with the large numbers of passengers while keeping customers happy, the railway operators are increasing the frequency of departures. During certain times of day, trains on one route leave Shinjuku Station at a rate of one a minute. Of course, this is potentially dangerous and that's why Tokyo has introduced a complex Automatic Train Control system, or digital ATC, in all the stations across the city.

Their system detects the position of all the trains throughout the network and transmits this data to a central server, which forwards the information to the trains behind. An on-board computer interprets the signals and constantly assesses whether and how the train needs to decelerate or brake. Other warnings can also be transmitted via this system. The digital precision of the system allows operators to introduce denser timetables, and enables trains to brake much more gently than with the conventional technology. But problems can still arise, even on Japanese railways.

The most dreaded disruption to daily operations is the so-called passenger accident. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, with 30,000 people taking their own lives each year. Leaping onto the tracks before an oncoming train is a popular suicide method in Japan. Technology is coming to the rescue here, too. Stereo cameras have now been installed in many stations. These are able to detect human movement on the tracks and automatically bring the trains to a halt. The motion sensors are configured to react to human movement only. Because of the many suicide attempts on the Tokyo Metro, automatic sliding doors have been installed on some platforms. These doors close after each train leaves, preventing passengers from approaching the tracks until the next train arrives.

Research and development into new technologies are continuing apace as the railway companies in Tokyo strive to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and safety.