This Month in History, March: Women's History Month and notable female firsts


This Month in History March: National Women’s History Month March 4, 1933 The first woman is sworn in as a member of a U.S. presidential cabinet.
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed Frances Perkins as secretary of labor. March 7–13, 1982 The first Women’s History Week is celebrated.
The U.S. Congress passed a resolution in August 1981 authorizing the president to declare this week in March 1982 as Women’s History Week. March 11, 2006 Chile’s first female president is sworn into office.
Also the first South American female president to have a political career independent from her husband, President Michelle Bachelet served from 2006 to 2010 and from 2014 to 2018. March 19, 1911 International Women’s Day is observed for the first time.
The day was intended to acknowledge women’s continued struggle for equal rights with men. A few years later the annual observance was moved to March 8, the date currently celebrated as International Women’s Day. March 1987 Women’s History Week becomes Women’s History Month in the United States.
As a result of lobbying from the National Women’s History Project, Congress established March as Women’s History Month. Schools, government institutions, and other organizations observe Women’s History Month by focusing on unsung American women through history.