Take a guided tour to Sir John Soane's Museum, London


ROBERT VENTURI: One thing I am reminded of when I come here in the Soane House: Mies van der Rohe, who in the early part of the century said, "Less is more," and I, who in the mid-century said, "Less is a bore." When you look at this house you see the idea of what we call layering, the idea that there is an element and then behind that is another element and behind that is another element. We use that in our architecture: spatial layering, which gives a sense of enclosure and richness and can accommodate a contradiction and variety. And that is beautifully shown in this room [music in] where these arches are hanging, which also is kind of perverse and elegant and appropriate.

There's a mixture of cultures here--of Western culture and then Eastern culture. Within this clutter and this layered space you find an attitude towards architecture which is very appropriate for our time, which is a time of complexity and contradiction.

DENISE SCOTT BROWN: The window over here, which looks out onto Lincoln's Inn Fields, again, there's a feeling of you're sitting in a space, and then there's an envelope beyond, and the space between is mediating between two different conditions. And then here's the mirror, which gives you the depth, again, of space of the room. It's almost as if it's projecting the room onto the park. And in a way, we have three pictures: two of the park and one of the room.

ROBERT VENTURI: Well, this is maybe the most wonderful room. The idea of layering occurs in the ceiling rather than in the walls.

DENISE SCOTT BROWN: It's a study in miniature, again, lots of complexity, and yet, despite the mirrors looking at you all over, a wonderful space just to be in. Imagine having breakfast here. I think these spaces, for all their complexity and for all the signs of a slightly weird guy involved, feel homely, feel welcoming, feel marvelous to be in, as if you could spend a very happy time here being a scholar.

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