Understand the effects of light pollution on the environment and humans


[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER: Scientists, polar bears, and Saturday morning cartoons all agree. Pollution is the worst. And the dangers posed by noxious chemicals poured into the water or the air are dire. But what about light pollution? Can that be so bad? Is light pollution even really pollution at all? Pollution is usually described as the addition of any substance or form of energy into an environment at a rate faster than that environment can deal with it.

For example, natural sources like volcanoes can release sulfur dioxide and other chemicals into the air causing acid rain. The natural amount of acid in rain rarely causes problems. Soil can often neutralize a certain amount of acid. But industrial processes like generating power from fossil fuels can pump more chemicals into the atmosphere than natural processes can handle.

The result is more acid rain and more stress on plants and animals. We call that pollution. And believe it or not, light pollution acts much the same way. Life evolved to cope with natural light from the stars and the moon. But too much light is hard for nature and humanity to handle. It sounds a little strange to complain that the nighttime is too bright. But if you look at the night sky as it's seen in a city and then as it's seen far from human habitation, you can see just how much difference light pollution can make.

And it's not just big cities that are affected. Studies suggest that 80% of America can no longer see the Milky Way when they look into the sky. Strangely enough, light pollution can actually make it hard to see. Artificial lights can help light a dark street, or they can dazzle sensitive eyes adjusted to the dark. Have you ever been walking or driving at night and found yourself blinded by a car's headlights? Well, imagine how owls feel.

But perhaps the most significant thing light pollution does is mess with sleep. Circadian rhythms are the cycles of behavior and activity that organisms experience usually over the course of a day-night cycle. Periods of darkness are very important to getting the right amount of sleep. So when artificial lights brighten the sky, it's like nearby animals are trying to go to sleep with their bedroom lights still on.

It can affect the circadian rhythms of nocturnal animals too. Any disruption in the light-dark cycle can cost animals sleep and affect their health. Artificial light can even impact the migration patterns of birds. Some migratory birds use light from the moon to navigate at night. And bright lights can confuse them, affecting their journeys.

Light pollution is real. And it's harmful. Luckily, it's easier to clean up than many other kinds of pollution. We can encourage homes and businesses to turn off their lights when possible. Or we can add shielding to lights to keep them focused where they need to be. If we treat light pollution as the problem it is, we can have a healthier ecosystem and a more beautiful night sky. Plus, we can keep scientists, polar bears, and Saturday morning cartoons off our backs.