See how the ancient Greeks relied on myths and legends to explain religious, moral, and psychological problems


[Music in]

NARRATOR: Long before men started to think logically, they were dreaming and making myths of their dreams. We still dream. We still spend much of our lives in the hidden world beyond the frontiers of conscious thought. One reason why Greek myths still fascinate us is this: the Greeks brought them out of the same hidden subconscious world which we ourselves visit in sleep. But they shaped them into visions stranger, more memorable, more beautiful than the visions of any other Western people.

FEMALE STORYTELLER: Once there was a handsome youth called Narcissus. Many maidens offered him their love, but he wanted none of them. He lived a solitary life. His heart was quite cold. As he wandered alone in the forest, he stopped to drink at a pool. There, in its clear water, he saw for the first time a face that he could really love. He gazed at it with delight. The face smiled back at him. He bent close . . . to kiss it, but the moment he did so. . . . Then, like a ghost, it returned. He stayed there, forgetting everything else in the excitement of his new love. As night fell, the beautiful face disappeared, but Narcissus remained there, gazing into the dark water. When the dawn came next day, he had ceased to live as a human being. He had been changed into the flower narcissus, which loves to gaze at its own reflection in the water.

NARRATOR: The myth of the youth Narcissus . . . on one level a charming nature story, but on another a shrewd piece of psychological diagnosis. Some human beings are in love only with themselves and cold to all others. Modern psychologists recognize this psychological state and have derived a technical term--narcissism--from this primitive myth of a Greek youth in love with himself.

There are other areas where myth comes close to science. Could it be that at some time not too long ago in the age of the human race a blazing comet entered our solar system and altered the balance of nature? All over the world there are myths about a colossal solar disturbance which caused the earth to catch fire. More vivid than any of these . . . is the Greek myth of Hyperion and Phaethon.

MALE STORYTELLER: Far in the east the sun-god Hyperion emerges, giving light to the world. His golden chariot was built by Hephaestus, the smith and craftsman of the gods. The sun-god drives across the vault of heaven, far above the clouds . . . among the strange creatures who live in the starry zodiac: the scorpion with its dreadful sting, the crab sweeping its great claws across the sky. At the end of the day he descends a long arc into the western ocean and then stables his horses in his splendid palace. Now, Hyperion had a young son, Phaethon. One evening he tricked his father into allowing him to drive the chariot. Hyperion knew it would be disastrous, but he had sworn by the river Styx to give the boy what he had asked. Not even a god can break that oath.

[Music out]

His father gave him the best advice he could. "Hold the horses firmly. Keep them always at the same, steady speed [music in]. Good luck, and God bless you." The horses did not feel the weight of the mighty sun-god behind them. They missed his firm grasp on the reins, and they broke away, out of control.

The earth and all mankind would have been destroyed, but the supreme god, Zeus, took pity on them and aimed his deadly thunderbolt at Phaethon.

NARRATOR: Here lies Phaethon, who drove the chariot of the sun. Greatly he failed, but he had greatly dared.

FEMALE STORYTELLER: Why does the mountain explode in thunder and flame sometimes and at other times remain quiet? Now Gaea, the mother-goddess, could not resign herself to defeat at the hand of Zeus. So she raised up against him a monster, a terrifying creature from whose shoulders sprang a hundred horrible heads, whose eyes spurted searing flame. Unable to kill the creature, Zeus pursued it into Sicily and there imprisoned it under Mount Etna.

And to this day, when the monster struggles to escape, flames pour from his fiery bed.

[Music out]

NARRATOR: A terrifying natural phenomenon; an attempt to explain it--the mythologies of other cultures abound in such prescientific thinking. The Greeks themselves went on to develop science as we know it. But some Greek myths were among the first crude beginnings of science, the first speculations concerning the nature of the world and the universe.

MALE STORYTELLER: Now, Prometheus, it is said, went to the island of Lemnos and there stole a brand of holy fire.

NARRATOR: One of the themes of the myth of Zeus and the monster Typhoeus is the war between the gods--a recurring motif in Greek mythology, a motif which a great playwright, Aeschylus, developed into a tragic drama, "Prometheus in Chains" [music in]. The characters of Aeschylus's drama: Prometheus himself, who stole the fire of the gods for mankind and thus incurred Zeus's terrible anger; Power, an agent of the supreme god Zeus; Violence, another dreaded agent of Zeus; Hephaestus, the lame craftsman of the gods. In this magnificent tragedy we see the use of Greek myth at its highest and noblest to analyze a great moral and religious problem--a dilemma which men of all ages must think about but can probably never solve: how can God be evil . . . all powerful, but unjust.

[Music out]

POWER: Now, Hephaestus. Well, why do you hold back?

HEPHAESTUS: I must obey, Prometheus, even against my will.

POWER: Now the other. Quickly!

HEPHAESTUS: I weep for your sufferings.

POWER: You weep for the enemy of Zeus? Take care! Someday you may weep for yourself.

HEPHAESTUS: Do not urge me too far!

POWER: Why this idle pity? Why do you not hate the god whom the gods hate most of all?

HEPHAESTUS: You could not know.

There. Let us go; the task is done.

POWER: No--no, it is not. You've forgotten one thing, Hephaestus.

HEPHAESTUS: Have you no pity?

Alas, Prometheus! This is your reward for helping mankind. This is a terrible sight.

POWER: A terrible sight? I see only one who is getting what he deserves. Now--now, Prometheus, wanton in your insolence! You helped mankind--those petty creatures of a day. Can they help you now in your sufferings?

[Music in]

PROMETHEUS: Oh air of heaven and swift-winged winds, Oh rivers and water springs, and infinite laughter of the sea waves, and you, earth, mother of all, and you, all-seeing sun--I call on you. I am a god. See how the gods torture me!

[Music out]

NYMPH: Fear nothing, we are friends to you--the daughters of distant ocean. But a mist of fear and a darkness of pity blinds our eyes. All the gods groan for your agony--all but Zeus.

PROMETHEUS: I would that he had hurled me down the limitless abyss. Now, as I hang, my enemies can laugh at what I suffer.

NYMPH: Reveal it all; make the whole story clear. Of what did Zeus accuse you? On what charge does he so harshly sentence you to torture?

PROMETHEUS: He despised the wretched human race. They had eyes and could not see. They had ears and did not hear. Like formless dreams, they dragged through their long lives in confusion and misery, living like swarming insects in sunless caves. Zeus wanted to destroy them and produce a new species to repopulate the world. But I dared save them. I redeemed mankind.

NYMPH: How did you save them against the will of Zeus?

PROMETHEUS: I freed them from the constant thought of death by giving them hope, blind hope, as their companion.

NYMPH: Hope is indeed a blessing for unhappy men.

PROMETHEUS: And then from heaven I stole the secret of fire. With fire, mankind will learn many new skills, and all the arts of man will come from me.

NYMPH: This is the sin for which God punished you?

PROMETHEUS: Yes, and my punishment is endless--endless. He tortures me, and yet I cannot die.

NYMPH: Hopeless, Prometheus! Now at last you know that you've sinned. How can you find release from torment?

PROMETHEUS: I sinned. I willed it. I deny nothing. I saved mankind and caused my own suffering. But I will never yield to Zeus, for all his power. Justice is what I love, not power and tyranny. Justice!

NYMPH: Have you no fear to hurl such bold defiance?

PROMETHEUS: Why fear when death is not my destiny?

NYMPH: Zeus may inflict some still more fearful torment.

PROMETHEUS: Let him do so. I am prepared for all, even for this.

[Music in]

HERMES: I am Hermes, the messenger from God in heaven.

PROMETHEUS: Say rather God's footman, Hermes, and you'll be near the truth.

HERMES: Still as bitter as gall, Prometheus? Then know this! Zeus commands you to accept his judgments.

PROMETHEUS: Zeus commands me?

HERMES: It seems you find your punishment too easy.

PROMETHEUS: I wish my enemies suffered as I do.

HERMES: Do you not submit?

PROMETHEUS: Never! Though Zeus hurl me headlong into hell!

HERMES: Think again, Prometheus. If you do not, Almighty vows to blast you with lightning, then bury you alive in solid rock for many hundred years. Then, resurrected, you will be crucified again, and a savage eagle shall tear your flesh each day and feast on your blood.

[Music out]

NYMPH: Prometheus! Hermes tells you to surrender your stubborn pride. Obey him. Do not cling to foolishness!

PROMETHEUS: These threats mean nothing to me. I knew his message well before he spoke. There is no shame in suffering at a tyrant's hands. Let Zeus do his worst. Let twisted flames of lightning fall on me. Let heaven be shaken by thunder, torn by tempests. Let him bury me deep in the utmost darkness of hell. He can never destroy me!

HERMES: These are a madman's ravings. Remember, Prometheus, that you were warned!

[Sounds of thunder and lightning]

PROMETHEUS: Oh earth and air and lights, look upon me now. I am wronged!

NARRATOR: Myth used as a basis for a dramatic masterpiece [music in], myth as primitive fiction, history disguised as myth . . . primitive religious rites as a mythical source, myth as psychological insight, as primitive science: thus myths can be many different things and have many meanings, many interpretations. But meaning and logic are definite and limited. Myths go beyond them into the realms of poetry and of music, art, and the world of dreams.

[Various voices relating Greek myths]

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