Observe social interactions of bottlenose dolphins at Scandola Nature Reserve on the coast of Corsica, also home to crabs and lobsters and other marine life


The peninsula Scandola, on the west coast of Corsica - this is the oldest nature reserve in France. The only way to reach the area from land, is a five-hour hike. These red-colored rocks form narrow corridors in several places. The dark caves and inlets offer the perfect habitat to several animal species. One of them is the square crab. It is recognizable by its typical square and flattened body. The square crab lives on land and in the water. But also other animal species inhabit this coral-overgrown, underwater realm. Most of them, like the distant relative of the square crab, never leave this world, such as the spider crab.

In May and June, the spider crabs leave the deeper waters to mate in the sun-drenched coast. Sometimes you can spot a small boxer crab – also called shame crab - on the sandy bottom. If you want to find more rare species you should leave the upper 20 meters and look along the rocky walls. Here in the protected crevices of the volcanic rocks it is possible to discover the unfortunately rare representatives of the slipper lobster family. The lobsters are known as a delicacy worldwide and are up to 25 centimeters tall. They are related to spiny lobsters, but they are missing the long antennas.

Cliffs, dark caves and lush vegetation, these are ideal conditions for many representatives of the largest group of crustaceans containing over 25,000 extant species. On the floor of the coral reefs spiny lobsters are found. Their long antennae are striking. With the help of those the spiny lobsters produce noises, which are used for communication or as a mating call. Spiny lobsters are also known as langouste or rock lobsters. With a little luck you may even spot the European lobster in the dark. These bigger crabs have become very rare due to their culinary value. Here in La scandola all species are under protection and can develop naturally.

There is probably no other animal seen as idealized as the dolphin. They are found in all seas and oceans and are famous for their intelligence. By its curiosity and its friendly behavior toward humans, dolphins fascinate people. In many novels, movies and even century-old legends dolphins appear as heroes. These marine mammals are among the largest and most diverse family of whales. This type is called the bottlenose dolphin. They live in large social groups, called schools. Such a school can include up to 15 animals. Dolphins are very playful and before dusk they jump at every opportunity to let off steam before nightfall.

The bottlenose dolphin have a number of sounds and gestures with which they communicate with each other. To communicate, they use individual whistles. Each animal has a unique name consisting of a combination of tones. The dolphins sense of smell is not very well trained. So they have certain behaviors to express the readiness to mate. But these signals of affection can also be observed between two animals that have not seen each other for a long time. Dolphins are very sensual animals that like to share caresses with their own kind. The skin of dolphins is very sensitive, so the tender bumps with the snout and the body rubbing stimulate the female to copulation. Every day they spend a lot of time with such a prelude, the actual act of mating however just takes 20 seconds. It usually takes place after a big cuddle and is very difficult to detect for an observer. After a gestation period of 10-12 months, the female gives birth to one calf. At birth there are at least two adult helpers known as aunts on site, who help the mother to land the newborn on the surface to breathe and to protect it from predators, such as sharks. The social network of bottlenose dolphins is something very special. With its flexibility and openness, it almost seems human. The most important factor is not the territorial community, but the friendship between individuals, who may even live in different regions.